How you can Live a Life Loving yourself Now

Loving yourself has been a huge topic around for a while, but one that seems to be most important for us all.

I mean it makes sense because once you begin loving yourself you are powerful. No one and nothing can break you because you are in charge and that is all that matters. This is why it is extremely important for us to nail putting ourselves first and finding that inner love.

A woman standing with her left arm on the hip posing for a photo. Wearing a black top and a checked brown skirt with a gold belt and tights

Here are some tips I have been using more often and how you can live a life whilst loving yourself.


First of all I think loving yourself comes with ACCEPTING yourself flaws and all. Once you have accepted that you are not perfect and that is ok, you will find yourself more confident and happy with who you are. You will start to shine like the little brilliance that you are. And OWN that shit. You are you and there is no one else, so damn right you better accept that and show off your amazingness!

A book called "brave new girl" on a table next to a cup placemat.

Prioritise your health

Yes I mean look after your body and health- this is so important and no one has a right to tell you otherwise. Your mental health is a priority and if something or someone is compromising that then bye bye. You have every right to take some time to focus on making sure your health is ok. Whether that is reading a book, having a bath or just taking time away from a situation then you do that.

Woman posing on a bed showcasing how you should be loving yourself

Kind words

By this I mean be nice to yourself. Once you start speaking to yourself using kind words you will start to appreciate yourself more. I like to look in the mirror everyday and tell myself three things I love about myself that day or praise myself on things I have done. It could be anything, not just looks but things you do. E.g. “I love that you stood up and gave that presentation today”. This sort of links with celebrating your wins however big or small.

A hand holding a bath bomb over a bath tub filled with water.

Treat yourself

As I have mentioned in a few posts now, I am doing more things solo. It is nice to appreciate your own company and do things solo. Therefore, look after yourself and treat yourself by buying yourself flowers etc. Show yourself some love and have those self-care days.

Calm your mind

By this I mean take some time every day to just relax. This could be through meditating or yoga (both of which have really helped me- although I need to start yoga again). Just take some time to sit and breathe in and out and just be in that moment.

A woman in ski gear smiling whilst one foot strapped into a snow board on a mountain.

Do more of what makes you happy

I mean this could be any hobbies or anything, because if you feel good and are enjoying yourself then you are treating yourself right. You may not feel good all the time, and that is ok too (no one is perfect remember). But integrating more of those “feel good” moments into our lives does help.

How you can Live a Life Loving yourself Now

There are some tips for you. It is time we all stop comparing and start appreciating us being who we are- flaws and all. Loving yourself is the best thing you can do but it will take time and patience and consistency. You will get there and there will be good and bad days, it won’t be easy but the good days will outweigh any bad that you will have.

Do you have any tips for loving yourself?

Thanks for reading,

Gemma Jayne x

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest!


  1. It’s definitely important to put a focus on loving yourself-if you don’t, how can you expect to improve if you don’t accept and believe in yourself! These are some great tips! Treating yourself occasionally and devoting time to relax and do what makes you happy certainly helps!

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